The web & mobile web developer must master the technologies of creation and production of digital media to be operational. He knows programming languages, audio and video editing software, image processing software…

He must assimilate project management, from conception to completion. The training allows students to enter a professional sector with strong computer skills where versatility is appreciated.

  • Titles accessible by V.A.E* and V.A.P**
  • Possibility of validating one or more skill blocks.

* Validation of acquired experience
** Validation of professional experience

RNCP sheet – Web & mobile web developer

  • I Diploma recognized by the State and accredited by the Ministry of Labour
  • I Level 5 title “Web and mobile web developer” (RNCP Code 31114 ).
  • I 120 ECTS credits (60 credits / year)


I Following the validation of this certification, you will have the possibility, within the Open campus of Brest, to follow the training: “Bac+3 – Application developer“, “Bac+3 – Software and network project manager” or “Bac+3 – E-Business Project Manager“.or any other training of the same level (level II RNCP – Level 6 European II equivalent Bac+3) in this field of training (training in the digital professions or IT).

I In the event of partial validation of this certification, the learner will be issued a certificate of achievement for each of the skill blocks that he or she has validated.

* As a reminder, the block has no validity period, it remains acquired for life. The learner can therefore contact the training center or certifier to find out how to validate the missing skill blocks.


This Executive MBA is designed for several profiles:

  • For people returning to school (from 26 years old)
  • For job seekers
  • For employees who resign
  • For a professional reorientation

Find all the information concerning the aptitudes and prerequisites for admission on our
dedicated page.


The“Web & Mobile Web Developer” course leads students to produce all the web media of an organization.

Beyond specialized skills, the Bac+2 DWWM aims to :

  • Develop your project management skills
  • Develop your digital skills by :
    • Webdesign,
    • UX Design and ergonomics,
    • Mobile Design & Interface Design
    • Motion design & video for the web
    • Html, CSS, Javascript, Php, Database
    • Animate & Motion design for the web
    • CMS (wordpress…)


Duration of the training

Duration: 1 year

Duration of training: 630 h

Access times

>> Application deadline: October 1, 2023

  • Submission of the application
  • Scheduling of your admissions tests by the Admissions Department
  • Passing the admissions tests (written tests + interview)
  • Response from the Admissions Department within 10 to 15 days


Download our price list – The Digital School 2023.

Initial course

*The application fee is 95€, a 50% reduction is possible for students with scholarships and job seekers with proof of employment.


The admission process to our schools is done in 2 steps:

  • The study of the file
    . The objective is to verify the adequacy between the candidate’s profile, his training, his professional project and the chosen training. At the end of this first step, the candidate will be declared eligible or not.

  • Admission tests
    . If declared eligible, the candidate will be interviewed by the person in charge of the program or by a person involved in the program applied for. The selection is based on the candidate’s general level, professional project, general culture and motivation. Depending on the school, the selection interview may be followed by additional written tests.


There are 2 possibilities to integrate our schools:

1/ Sending the application by mail or online application: average processing time of 48 to 72 hours.

  • Application form to be downloaded and sent with attachments to Brest Open Campus – Service admissions 475 rue Joséphine Pencalet, 29200 BREST) or Online application
  • The complete file is studied within 48 to 72 hours.
  • If he/she is declared eligible, the selection interview and written tests are scheduled
  • After the admission tests, the final answer is communicated within 48 to 72 hours.

2/ Submission of application by appointment: average processing time 48 to 72 hours.

  • Applicants can make an appointment with an academic advisor to submit their application. The study of the file is done on line. The candidate’s eligibility or not is pronounced immediately.
  • If he/she is declared eligible, an appointment is scheduled for the selection interview and the written tests, if applicable.
  • After the admission tests, the final answer is communicated within 48 to 72 hours.


I Expected knowledge & skills

  • Have the skills to work in a team
  • Organizational skills and autonomy
  • Have a sense of creativity
  • Have an interest in computers

I General review criteria

    • Last report card
    • Last degree obtained
    • Letter of motivation to join the requested training

Methods used: face-to-face teaching, professional work, e-learning, learning by doing, national competitions, etc.

Various laboratories and spaces are also made available and are used as part of their curriculum to learn about new solutions in their sector of activity:

  • an amphitheater,
  • a media library,
  • an application restaurant,
  • 6 application laboratories,
  • a co-working space,
  • a computer room (Apple Room),
  • and modern, open classrooms (Open ClassRoom)

During your year(s) you will be evaluated:

– in continuous assessment

– at semi-annual events

– during annual reviews

Job opportunities

Front End / Back end developer, HTML integrator, Multimedia production manager Web Developer Webdesigner Community Manager 2D/3D Vector Animator Multimedia Project Manager Assistant Multimedia Technical Coordinator

Our strengths

  • – Dual skills with 10 state-recognized RNCP titles offered on the Brest campus
  • – More than 250 partner companies
  • – Diploma recognized by the state and labeled France competence, registered in the RNCP.
  • – Sector specializations
  • – Business conferences
  • – 98% of our speakers are professionals
  • – Experiential teaching through our 6 laboratories, 6 student associations and 25 startups and companies in residence.
  • – 40 direct contacts with companies and professionals
  • – 3 to 5 professional projects to be carried out during the course
Handicap & accessibility

We have an equal opportunity policy to enable all students and learners to access our training and develop their talents.

All our training courses are accessible to people with disabilities, see our dedicated page.

Student satisfaction rate (2020-2021):

  • Bac +2 Web and mobile web developer

13 respondents said they were “Satisfied or Very Satisfied” with :

    • Method and teaching aids [L’animation du cours vous paraissait attractive.]: 78
    • In general, are you satisfied with the Corporate Relations department? 77%
    • What do you think of the reception of the School Service? 61%
    • Is your Happy Manager available and listening to you? 100%
    • The material provided by the BOC seems to you: 93

Insertion rate (2019-2020):

  • Bac +2 Web and mobile web developer

(based on 3 students who responded to the survey)

    • Employee: 33% of the total
    • Student : 33% of the total
    • Job seeker: 33%.

Success rate (2019-2020 La Digital School):

  • Bac +2 Web and mobile web developer
    • 68% of graduates (15 graduates out of 22 students)

Coming soon: Our rates will be posted on the inserjeunes website.


SAMEDI 7 septembre