We have an equal opportunity policy to enable all students and learners to access our training and develop their talents.

If you have a disability (temporary or permanent), or if you suffer from a disabling health problem, our disability advisor is at your disposal to :

  • Considering your needs
  • To guide you in your steps
  • Solve your accessibility problems by providing you with specific devices
  • Be the relay with the various departments of the establishment

All our training courses are accessible to people with disabilities.

You may need technical or human accommodations to be able to take the written tests or attend the oral interviews.

You must indicate this in your application and attach one of the following valid documents:

  • A certificate from the Rectorat concerning the conditions for passing the Baccalaureate,
  • A certificate of accommodation for exams in higher education,
  • A certificate signed by a school or university physician may be requested if you are unable to provide any of the documents listed above.

When you register, the Disability and Accessibility Unit will contact you in order to organize follow-up meetings throughout the year and also at three key times:

The first is before you enter the course to facilitate your integration on campus. It allows us to define the necessary study accommodations and to direct you to our partners with disabilities.

It also aims to answer your questions about your study project that may hinder your studies (housing, transportation, etc.).

The second half of the course is intended to discuss your first months of training.
It will also aim to accompany you in your professional life: search for experiences during your studies (internship, job, work-study program,first job), advice on the techniques of searching for opportunities (CV, interview…), contact with our network of partner companies.

The third meeting will be dedicated to the end of year exams in order to define the necessary arrangements for your success:

  • Loan of equipment
  • Adapted subjects (larger font)
  • If necessary, you can be placed in an individual room to ensure the best conditions for your exams.

I Handicap and accessibility pole

Samy Guelman
Deputy Director & Studies
Disability & quality referent

Mail :

Tel : 02 98 49 22 99

By appointment from Monday to Friday from 10am to 7pm


SAMEDI 7 septembre