
Samedi 04 mars à 10h et à 14h


À 10H ET 14H LE samedi 4 mars


The Grand Ouest finally has its own digital school!

20 000

Alumni, who constitute the most important network in Brittany


Professional speakers, managers, business leaders and entrepreneurs present daily on the Brest campus


Contact points undertaken each year of study


Diplomas recognized by the State, registered in the RNCP levels I, II and III




From January 26 to 28


January 28th

Open House

Brest - Angers

February 4 at 10am and 2pm

Admission tests


February 11


February 25

They testify!

Digital technology has changed our world, bringing about profound and lasting changes. Our lifestyles have evolved, and each of us has adapted to the new expectations of the professional world, but without having been duly prepared. Loving to learn, being able to change, and taking ownership of technologies and innovations are the keys we must give to future generations. It is in this state of mind that François, Charles & I imagined La Digital School, in order to prepare the future talents of a world that is changing, and that calls for so many new challenges.

Découvrez notre équipe passionnée
Co-founder of La Digital School

"Ideas, entrepreneurial projects, innovation, meaning, development, change... all this and more requires a resource that it is our responsibility to support: talent. It is with this in mind that we have decided to undertake this school, with our heart, our desire and our experience, so that everyone can fully develop in their professional future."

Découvrez notre équipe passionnée
Co-founder of La Digital School

Innovating, creating a startup, piloting intrapreneurial projects, developing new products and services, ensuring the digital transformation of companies... So many challenges which, in the era of the digital revolution, require the detection and support of those who will be able to meet them: our future digital talents.

Découvrez notre équipe passionnée
Assistant Director & Studies

"Our goal, that everyone can fully develop in their professional future and in an environment true to the state of mind of the sector: caring, dynamic and open."

Découvrez notre équipe passionnée
François Pouletty
Co-founder of La Digital School

Back to school 2022

On 30/09/2022
From September 26 to September 29, our 1st through 5th grade students returned to campus! This week of school ended on Friday with a spectacular integration day with the possibility of bungee jumping!
Other activities also took place such as karaoke, bubblefoot, jumptwister, video games...
The whole team of the Brest Open Campus wishes you an excellent start to the new school year and a great year to all of you

Actualité rentrée 2022 spécialité gaming en bachelor 3ème année

New in 2022 : Bachelor 3rd year speciality GAMING

On 01/07/2022
New in 2022: Bachelor Digital specializing in gaming in 3rd year!

This course leads our students to open up to the world of 3D, through modeling, 3D animation...
Why integrate this specialty?
- Creation of a skills book
- 2D & 3D soft learning
- Creation of 2D & 3D video games
- Acquisition of advanced technical skills and refinement of creative identity
- Meeting with professionals all year round
And much more!

Breaking News - Bachelor Digital et métiers de la beauté

New in 2022: Bachelor’s degree in digital and beauty professions


At the beginning of the school year in September 2022, a new course will open exclusively at La Digital School!

This digital path in the aesthetic and cosmetic sector is accessible exclusively to students in the 1st year of the Digital School's Bachelor program!

The Digital and beauty professions bachelor is :
- A course accessible to 1st year students of the Bachelor Digital at La Digital School
- Intended for people who wish to evolve in the web communication sector in the aesthetic and cosmetic industry
- Courses in the digital sector in the field of beauty, aesthetics and cosmetics
- Learning about the environment and culture of the beauty industry and the beauty and cosmetics professions

Digital Cluster members & partners


SAMEDI 7 septembre