The Open Conf' - Cycles of conferences

Lecture series: The Open conf are organized 2 to 3 times a week on campus. They are made on extremely diverse themes, but always very interesting.

Each year, the campus hosts between 50 and 60 conferences, thanks to the professionalism of our students. The Open Conf’ are projects that students organize, from the 3rd to the 5th year of study. The latter put forward their professional skills to organize the cycle of professional conferences on campus.

To be consumed without any moderation!

By joining the other schools of theBrest Open Campus, La Digital School will be able to benefit from the Open conf’ . The latter are accessible to all students of the campus, whatever their course of study!

It is on average 2 to 3 conferences each week on various subjects, such as :

  •  » Logements de demain « 
  •  » The future of digital towards web 3.0 « 
  •  » Assisted creativity « 
  • « The hidden face of our social networks
  • …etc.
More than 100 professionals come to share their expertise on innovative and current topics: CSR, digital transformation, cryptocurrencies, event management, agile methods, etc.
It is an opportunity to stand out to professionals, while demonstrating the extent of the knowledge and expertise acquired during the training. Finally, this professional project encourages meetings and allows you to expand your network.